Dr. Manuel Englander - Edina Dentist

New Patients

Welcome to Englander Dental!

We’re told over and over again that you notice the difference from the moment you walk through our doors of Englander Dental. And, we assure you that your experience will be nothing less. From the warm a greeting upon arrival to our many patient amenities, we do our best to make sure you feel welcome and at ease.

Following a comprehensive exam, we will define a treatment plan sensitive to your needs, budget and schedule. With thoroughly-diagnosed and properly prioritized treatment, and if you’re motivated to maintain your oral health in the interim, even the most extensive cases can be staged out over time and still fit within your dental budget.

Scheduling Your First Visit

To schedule your appointment, click here to request an appointment or call our office at (612) 926-2100. One of our helpful patient coordinators will be happy to assist you.

Emergency Care

If you have a dental emergency and need immediate attention, please call our office at (612) 926-2100. We will help you get care as soon as possible.

Do Not Hesitate To Ask Us Any Questions.

Office Hours:​

Monday 8 am – 6pm
Tuesday 8 am – 6 pm
Wednesday 8 am – 5 pm
Thursday 8 am – 5 pm
Friday 8 am – 1 pm

Contact Info:

3801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55410
(612) 926-2100

Smiling young woman canoeing on a lake in summer

Don’t See An Answer To Your Question?

A member of our friendly team would be happy to help. Please call us at (612) 926-2100 .


Are You New To Our Office?

Well, welcome! Please visit our New Patients page for a proper welcome!

Request An Appointment

Fill out my online form.

Emergency Dental Care

At Englander Dental, we understand that emergencies happen. Our experienced and compassionate team of dental professionals proudly serve people and families from throughout the Edina, MN area. When you have dental emergency, rest assured that you can can rely on Dr. Manuel Englander to be there for you and your family.

Dental Emergencies During Office Hours

If you are experiencing unexpected dental situation during regular office hours, call our office at (612) 926-2100. We will do our best to see you as soon as possible. We help you to get out of pain and plan next steps to resolve your issue.

After Hours Emergency Dental Care

If you are experiencing a dental emergency when our office is closed, we have an on-call dentist for your after-hour dental needs. In any emergency dental situation, please do not hesitate to contact us— your emergency becomes our emergency. Call (612) 926-2100 and we will help to triage your situation and get you the help you need.

If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, dial 911 for immediate medical help, or go to the nearest hospital emergency room.

Dental Emergency While You’re Out Of Town

If you should face a dental emergency while you are on vacation or out of town, call our office and we can help you find a dentist in your area who can help. We are members of several professional dental associations and can refer you to a dentist who can solve your dental emergency.

Helpful Tips During A Dental Emergency

To be as prepared as possible for a dental emergency, we provide some tips for specific types of dental crises that you can do before you are able to see our Englander Dental dentists:

Taking Tylenol (acetaminophen) (if you are not allergic) can help alleviate pain. You can also apply ice for 10-20 minutes every hour for severe pain.

Applying an over-the-counter medicine, like Orajel or campho-phenique, will pose as a bandage-like film over the sore.

If your bleeding is substantial, place a thick gauze pad over the extraction site and apply pressure. If bleeding continues, soak a tea bag in water, put it inside a thin gauze pad, and apply pressure for one hour.

Apply ice or pressure to the area to decrease the swelling or bleeding. If your laceration is deep (larger than ¼ inch) or if the pain persists, call our Edina Englander Dental office.

Place a piece of soft wax where the chipped area is, and then schedule an appointment with us. Place the pieces of your chipped tooth in a cup of milk, or in water with a pinch of salt.

If you cannot put the tooth back in place and hold it there while rushing to come see us, then you can put it in a cup of milk or water, and come see us immediately.

Do not move your jaw and seek immediate medical help at your nearest hospital emergency room.

Dentistry for Kids

We love kids and believe it is important for their long-term health to give them a positive first experience in a dental office. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that your child have their first visit to the dentist by their first birthday (or when their first tooth erupts). Research shows that early detection and good oral health care impacts their general health and can help improve their school readiness. In addition, children benefit from early exposure to the dental office because it alleviates unnecessary future anxiety about the unknown and allows us to establish a relationship for the future.

Your Child’s First Dental Visit

We encourage you to bring your child in for a “get acquainted visit”. We will show them around to help make them familiar with our office and have them sit up in the chair for an examination with one of our friendly dentists. Your child may choose to sit in your lap, and that’s okay, too! Our goal is for them to be comfortable and relaxed.

We will count their teeth, show them how to brush, and talk about how important it is to take care of their teeth. Our dentists will also assess their oral health and can discuss with you any concerns with crowding, occlusion (bite), or risk of cavities to ensure they are developing appropriately.

Your child might enjoy watching one of these videos before their visit:

Professional Dental Pediatric Cleaning

We recommend that kids have their teeth cleaned every six months. At that appointment, we will clean their teeth and remove any hardened calculus and plaque that may have form then we will use hand instruments and a state-of-the-art ultrasonic scaler to polish their teeth so they are bright and shiny. We also recommend a fluoride treatment to protect their teeth and keep them healthy and strong.

Fluoride Treatment Helps Keep Your Child’s Teeth Strong

Tooth enamel is one of the hardest substances on Earth. Unfortunately, acid from the foods we eat and the bacteria in our mouths can eat away that enamel. Fluoride helps keep enamel strong and prevent cavities. It can even reverse the problem by helping enamel to re-mineralize and harden. Topical fluoride application can also help re-mineralize sensitive areas of exposed roots and close off the microscopic tubules leading to the nerve.

Professional fluoride treatment is a safe and effective way of reducing your risk of dental decay. We use the latest proven methods of fluoride application to safely deliver fluoride to your teeth.

Reasons to get a professional fluoride application:

  • Children and adults that are moderate and high risk for decay
  • Desensitization for exposed root surfaces
  • Decay prevention on exposed root surfaces
  • Surrounding metal orthodontic braces and brackets

Dental Sealants Helps Protect Your Child’s Teeth

A dental sealant is a thin coating that your dentist or hygienist will paint on the biting surfaces of your child’s back teeth. Sealants help to prevent tooth decay by sealing off the deep grooves that are often too narrow and too deep for their toothbrushes to clean. Sealants cover up the pits to avoid letting bacteria get into them and they smooth out the surfaces so it is easier to keep them clean.

Your child’s first set of permanent molars will erupt around age six. We recommend having sealants placed between the ages of six and 14, the time when they are especially prone to getting cavities.

Though we want kids to learn to manage their own oral hygiene, some children don’t have the coordination yet to properly clean these teeth. (Ideally, they should be brushing independently for at least two minutes, twice daily.) Six-year molars are statistically the most restored teeth in the mouth for this reason; they are the first permanent teeth to erupt so they have to stick around the longest, and they are present during the most cavity prone period of their life. Sealant can help keep the teeth healthy and avoid problems.

Sealants can last up to 10 years, but since they are a thin plastic coating it is possible that they can chip or break off. Dr. Huepfel Dental and your hygienist will check them at your regular dental cleanings to make sure they are still in good shape.

To view the most recent guidelines set forth by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, visit: http://www.aapd.org/media/Policies_Guidelines/G_Periodicity.pdf

For additional information, go to http://www.aapd.org